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EnviMin Tanczos: We will install 12 systems to collect floating waste on cross-border waters

Minister of the Environment, Waters and Forests, Tanczos Barna, stated on Monday, in northwestern Oradea, that systems to collect floating waste will be installed on the rivers heading to Hungary.

„In the coming months 12 points on the cross-border waters will be identified, and systems to collect floating waste will be installed on the rivers heading to Hungary. Unfortunately, many times, these rivers transported huge amounts of waste towards the neighboring country. In the course of spring I had a visit to Hungary and we established, together with the authorities in Hungary, that concrete measures will be taken to preempt this phenomenon of floating waste exports. There are 12 points along the border where the systems will be installed, they are to be identified, to be followed this year by auctions for feasibility studies and allotment of funds for their building. Some of them were already placed with support from the Dutch Embassy and we are going on the experience of these already functional points and expanding the network along the border so that the issue is resolved,” said, on Monday, in a press conference, the Environment Minister.

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